
Terrazzo should be ground evenly

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  • Release time: 2023-07-29

Terrazzo should be ground evenly
In the grinding process of Terrazzo floor tiles, rough grinding, fine grinding and polishing will be required. Now we will mainly learn about this knowledge.
When performing fine grinding, a 120-180 fine diamond grinding stone is used for grinding, and the edges and corners are manually ground. The main purpose of fine grinding is to remove surface dents, and after polishing, a layer of colored cement slurry with the same mix ratio is added. Special attention should be paid to filling and leveling the holes and small holes on the surface layer. When polishing, a 180 to 240 oil grinding stone is used to grind until the surface stones are evenly exposed, flat and smooth, without missing stones or sand holes. Then, rinse with water and air dry. There is also coarse grinding, which involves first grinding with 60 to 80 coarse grinding stones. The grinding machine should walk in an 8-shaped pattern, add water while grinding, clean the cement slurry at any time, and check the surface flatness with a guiding rule.
Attention shall be paid to grinding and leveling to expose all dividing strips. After grinding, the slurry shall be washed clean. After slightly drying, a layer of cement slurry of the same color shall be applied to fill the sand holes. Individual stone particle parts shall be repaired. Different colors shall be applied with deep color slurry first, then light color slurry, and watered for curing.




Company introduction: The company started in 2009 and is a well-known enterprise of new floor materials integrating R&D, production, design, sales and construction.    


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Mr. Zhong:13530814626                  
Miss Wu:13590489202                 
Office Phone:0755-27263456                                  
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Company Address :6th Floor, Building 11, 98 Industrial City,  Shajing Center Road, Baoan District,   Shenzhen, Guangdong, China



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